I am really enjoying my stay at Psi Psi. These girls are fantastic! I get along with all of them really well and they’re taking really good care of me. The girls I spend most of my time with are Krystal, Cassie, Whitney and Diane. I wish I lived here and really got to hang out with these girls all the time. I fit so well with them. Krystal is my favorite though. Somehow she’s ended up being the one I call when I’m stranded or have nothing to do and just want someone to hang out with. She’s effing awesome. We just kind of bonded immediately. I wish I could adopt her as my little sister. We can talk easily about anything, joke with each other without hurting each others feelings and think a lot of the same things. We also got some guinea pigs together! They’re evacuees from New Orleans and they’re names are Brownie and White Girl (named by the black woman we got them from, not by us). We have to bathe them tonight because they smell horrible. I also have ended up staying here (Krystal, Cassie and Diane’s house) the last few nights instead of at their advisors house and shacking up with Krystal. We’re all secretly hoping that I get stranded here for a few extra days because of the hurricane. They’re even trying to talk me into coming to visit in December, not as their LC but just as their friend because I get along with them all so well. It’s really great because I have a ton of fun hanging out with them, but when it’s time to get down to business, they still listen to me and respect me.
Speaking of hurricane, Gustav is headed our way and it doesn’t look like he’s going to have any mercy on us. It was a category 4 this morning but has since dropped down to a category 3. Katrina tore Louisiana up when she it and she was only a category 2. People from lower LA are evacuating and taking over Natchitoches. If it gets too bad we may even have to evacuate from here. I’m not excited that the hurricane is coming and people have to evacuate and might lose their homes, but I am excited that since it is coming, I’m here to experience it! I think it’s exciting and I’ve never really experienced something like this. Also, we’ve been having a lot of trouble with cell phone service here, so if you try and get a hold of me over the next few days and can’t, don’t freak out OR get mad. Be patient and I’ll get back to you.
Tomorrow (weather permitting) we are gong to the alligator park or alligator gardens or something. I’m excited. I have no idea what that is, but I’m sure it’s great! I’m really glad that I still have a week here. Because this chapter is SO great, I’m a little worried that my next chapter is going to be awful just to balance it out. I hope that’s not the case. I also have a lot of shit that I need to do to prepare for my next visit. I have a lot of people that I need to call and reports to get ready for and all kinds of stuff. I hope that I’m able to get it all done.
This is Whitney, Krystal and I looking hot in the Goodwill in Natchitoches
This is Whitney, Diane and I looking... ridiculous
This is Krystal and Diane holding me and Krystal's new pets :)