Thursday, April 2, 2009

Living in the moment

So this blog is not about my plans for my future but about my life right now. 

I'm still sicking with this vegetarian thing and it's going really well for me. It will be a month on Sunday. I decided that I am definitely going to stick with it the rest of the time that I'm on the road and while I'm in Chicago and then I'm going to reevaluate it when I'm in Austin. I think I might start eating meat again and just make a conscious effort to eat it less. Really, I think I'll probably just eat meat at home when Mike and Sandy cook it (they do so often and very well) but I like the challenge of finding other things to eat when I'm out and like the idea of having to find new things to cook too. It's really forcing me to be healthier too. Being a vegetarian paired with the fact that I gave up pizza for lent is doing wonders for my figure. The ladies here took me to their student union for lunch today and the options were Subway, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell or Burger King. I love that I don't have the option of ordering a double stacker from BK. This is forcing me to have the will power that I don't have on my own. So while Katie had a junior bacon cheese burger I had a salad with fat free ranch, fat free yogurt and a V8. And I thought every bite of it was delicious! 

I will be back in Indy and off the road one week from tomorrow!!! I am so excited! I am excited to be back in Indy because I love being at Headquarters and because I love living out of a hotel with Nicole. I'm also excited about going back home. The worst part of this job is just the repetitiveness. I am going to miss traveling and spending time with chapters but I think I'm still ready to be done. I'm going to look back on the experience fondly and always be glad that I did it, but I'm ready for this experience to be over and for the next one to start. I do love the feeling I get when I'm at a chapter and I can tell that I'm really helping them. I really want to go back to Kerrville and share the things I've learned with my chapter and help them to become even more amazing than they are. I'd love for Theta Epsilon to win Crown of Excellence next year (the highest national award that a collegiate chapter can win and it's only awarded to one chapter each year). They're already a good chapter and I feel like I could help give them that edge that they need. I feel like they would be hesitant to listen to the things I'd have to say though. That makes me sad.

What else is going on in my life? Oh, a whole lot of nothing. I have still been reading a lot lately. Every time I finish a book I go back and edit the blog I wrote a couple months ago so the list of books I've read stays updated. I think there's 20 books on there now with my little reviews of them. It makes me quite happy to look at the list and see them all. That reminds me of all the things I'm looking forward to this summer. 

1. Getting a library card and going to the library
2. Getting a bike and riding it to the library
3. Cooking my own meals (and sharing them with Mike and Sandy)
4. Not living out of a suitcase
5. Seeing Jake and Ryan
6. Consistent warm weather (not looking forward to the super hot weather though)
7. Outdoor activities (tubing, walking, kayaking, swimming, etc)
8. Getting a tan (from the sun, not a tanning bed)
9. Not having reports I have to write every week
10. Having friends I get to spend time with again
11. Seeing John!!!! (at the end of the summer when he comes back)
12. Being stationary for a while 
13. Hopefully making new friends

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I appreciate your whole outlook onthe summer, but I number 11 is by far the most exciting. And it's reciprocated!