Tuesday, September 23, 2008

PIctures of my life

This is the swing I would sit on while talking to my dear friend Krystal at Delta Nu-A. She's the only one that called me while I was there or I would have talked to more people on it. 

Hannah, these are the effing swans that tried to kill me. 

They look innocent, but they're not. I promise. 

This is the chapter room at Delta Nu-A's house. 

This is Delta Nu-A's sorority house. The first one I've ever been in! Isn't it adorable? Their neighbors won't let them put letters on the house. 

This is the room I stayed in at Delta Nu-A. I was on the top bunk. I hate top bunks. Brittany would sit at the desk and talk to me while I was trying to sleep. Sweet girl. 

This is a picture of the front door and stairs at Delta Nu-A. That green chair at the top of the stairs is where I sat to do all of my work. 

This is the Beta Theta chapter house. 

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